
Christopher Harris SC

Practice Areas: Alternate Dispute Resolution, Banking, Commercial and Business Law, Commissions and Inquiries, Competition and Consumer Law, Equity, Insolvency, Mediation and Arbitration, Professional Negligence and Professional Conduct, Property, Trusts, Wills and Succession
P: 02 9930 7964
Clerk: Alistair Coyne

Chris was admitted to the Bar in 1984 and appointed Senior Counsel in 2005.

Chris has been approved by the Bar Council as a BarADR arbitrator with the NSW Bar Association.

During his time at the Bar he became one of the leading specialists in corporation law, commercial law and equity, and trusts and succession law. Due to Chris’ significant experience and expertise gained in litigation over many years in successfully resolving disputes, Chris’ practice now has a focus on alternative dispute resolution and specifically includes the following: 

  • Commercial and Succession Act Mediation 
  • Arbitration, Early Neutral Evaluation and other forms of ADR 
  • ICAC and other Commissions of Enquiry 
  • Professional conduct enquiries 
  • Professional disciplinary proceedings 
  • Examinations of company directors, officers, auditors and liquidators under the Corporations Act, the ASIC Act and other legislative or regulatory instruments 
  • Examinations of local governments, councillors and officers 

Chris is one of the leading specialists in Wills & Estates (Succession Law) Litigation at the Australian Bar as recognised in Doyles Guide and Best Lawyers 2023. (Trusts and Estates). 

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